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The UK's home of peelable, sprayable paint since 2012
Deposit for a Matt-Pack Spray Wrap
  • Deposit for a Matt-Pack Spray Wrap
  • Deposit for a Matt-Pack Spray Wrap

Deposit for a Matt-Pack Spray Wrap

(Code: mpdipdep)
Booking deposit to get your project spray wrapped. Once we have sorted you a date, time, car / project, colour, finish etc. Use this to confirm your slot. The slot will not be yours and open for anyone to take until this is booked
£ 250.00
Once we have discussed your project and finalised the date, the car (project), colour, finish and various details, use this to book your slot. No booking, no slot. This total (£250) will be removed from final balance, not added to it. We have had to do it this way due to a few no shows where we have turned people away, only for the booker to not show :(.

This is a non refundable deposit. If your clutch goes or your mate working on the gearbox isn't finished, this is all a YOU problem, not an us problem. Whatever excuse you make up to cancel is irrelevant. This keeps the bookings free to the serious customers and not the wasters. Apologies in advance. 1 year we had 6 no shows...

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